Khatulistiwa Tiens
Selamat Datang di keluarga Besar Tiens Khatulistiwa. Go Diamond !!!
Senin, 16 Januari 2012
Jumat, 02 Desember 2011
Selasa, 29 November 2011
Rabu, 09 November 2011
Selasa, 08 November 2011
Rabu, 28 September 2011
TIENS Kebanggaan Kita,
Satu-satunya perusahaan China dalam World Federation Direct Selling Association (WFDSA)
Belum lama ini TIENS merayakan hari jadinya yang ke-16 di kantor pusat Tianjin, China. Acara perayaan yang semarak dan luar biasa tersebut dihadiri oleh 3000 orang distributor yang memeriahkan acara dengan penuh semangat, antusias, dan rasa bangga.
Selama 16 tahun ini TIENS sebagai perusahaan penjualan langsung yang terbesar di China, terus mengembangkan diri dalam upaya untuk mewujudkan misi dan visinya ke depan. Untuk menunjang hal tersebut, TIENS pun berpartisipasi dalam berbagai asosiasi terkait berkelas internasional. Diantaranya adalah menjadi anggota dari Federasi Asosiasi Penjualan Langsung Dunia atau World Federation Direct Selling Association (WFDSA). TIENS merupakan satu-satunya perusahaan yang berasal dari negara China yang masuk dalam keanggotaan WFDSA tersebut, dimana sebagian besar anggotanya adalah perusahaan asal Amerika dan Eropa.
Keikutsertaan aktif TIENS dalam berbagai organisasi-organisasi kelas internasional, menjadi salah satu bukti, bahwa TIENS ikut mendukung perkembangan bisnis penjualan langsung dan telah membawa reputasi TIENS di mata masyarakat dunia.
Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011
Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011
Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Tanya: Supaya memenuhi syarat keaktifan apakah saya harus belanja 200PV tiap bulan atau 200PV dalam 1 tahun?
Jawab: Syarat keaktifan adalah memiliki akumulasi Personal Sales minimal 200PV dalam satu tahun.
Tanya: Apakah tutup point bulanan saya termasuk syarat keaktifan juga?
Jawab: Ya, sebab syarat keaktifan adalah akumulasi Personal Sales minimal 200PV dalam 1 tahun dan belanja tutup poin adalah Personal Sales juga.
Contoh: anda *5 dan tiap bulan melakukan Personal Sales 100PV, berarti dalam 1 tahun 1200PV, artinya sudah di atas syarat keaktifan 200PV/tahun sehingga otomatis memenuhi syarat keaktifan.
Senin, 04 Juli 2011
Rabu, 29 Juni 2011
Minggu, 05 Juni 2011
Stokis 702 Pontianak Pindah Alamat
Mulai 13 Juni 2011
Stokis 702 Pindah ke Alamat: Jl. Kenari Gg. Kasturi Raja No. 4
(masuk lewat Jl Pak Kasih (pelabuhan) - Jl. Lembah Murai
No Telp: 0561-760557 / 7166873
No HP : 081345988299/08125770708
Stokis 702 Pindah ke Alamat: Jl. Kenari Gg. Kasturi Raja No. 4
(masuk lewat Jl Pak Kasih (pelabuhan) - Jl. Lembah Murai
No Telp: 0561-760557 / 7166873
No HP : 081345988299/08125770708
Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011
Seminar Hidup Sehat Dan Sejahtera
Sebuah Seminar yang bakal mengubah paradigma banyak orang mengenai Arti Sehat. Secara bisnis sangat membantu mendongkrak omset Distributor. Telah diadakan di banyak kota. Terbukti dan Teruji! Pastikan Hadir!
Tema Minggu ini : Matras Photon Tiens
Pontianak : 29 Mei 2011 pkl 13.30 wib di Ayani Megamall Ruko G11-12
Tiketing hubungi Sokis 702 : telp : 747807 / 081-345-988299
Tema Minggu ini : Matras Photon Tiens
Pontianak : 29 Mei 2011 pkl 13.30 wib di Ayani Megamall Ruko G11-12
Tiketing hubungi Sokis 702 : telp : 747807 / 081-345-988299
Kamis, 24 September 2009
Tiens Fruit & Vegetable Cleaner (OZONE)
1. Fruits and vegetables to remove pesticide residues, decomposition products of meat hormones, so rest assured that their families eat healthy food.
Set Time, Prepared To Deal With

After seven minutes, the hormone (viscous material) The beginning of precipitation

After 25 minutes, the hormone (viscous material) has basically been precipitated

Hormone (viscous material) features, see this, did not deal with the meat you can eat it?

When Untreated Meat

2. Bactericidal, fresh fruits and vegetables to extend the time .
Usage: Add the fruits and vegetables in plastic bags, access to ozone, will be lightly tighten until the plastic bag will muster truss, to extend the shelf life for more than 1 times. Note: closed plastic bag better not leak.
3. Tableware, bottle, towels, clothing and disinfection, disinfection.
Usage: the tableware, children water bottle, etc. Add to the container, into the Oxygen 10 to 20 minutes sterilization purification, such as the new clear. Clothing in accordance with the number of Oxygen into the time to determine amount of time, generally 20 minutes or so can, after a soft and comfortable clothing and clean, were treated teeth Oxygen equipment, apparatus that is sterile and environmentally friendly.
4. Human health
Use of ozone water bath, wash, washing can remove bacteria, viruses, fungi, and promote human blood circulation, activate cells and accelerate metabolism, to achieve physical health, the effect of beauty.
5. To clean up the air, removing harmful gases.
Usage: the doors, windows closed, access to power, boot to run about 15 minutes; shutdown, open the doors and windows, air circulation for about 15 minutes. Note: for air purification and disinfection, the people is best not to stay indoors.
Oxygen removal biodegradable decorations, plywood, paint by the release of toxic chemical substances, decomposition of natural gas, gas produced by incomplete combustion of carbon monoxide or smoke oil, remove the indoor variety of offensive smell and the prevention of infectious diseases, and prevent breeding ground for fleas.
6. Purify water
Usage: Add the foam stone has been to deal with the water (limited to 20 kg) about 10 minutes later, can eliminate the residual chlorine in the water, sterilization Drugs, oxidative decomposition of iron, manganese and inorganic substances, enhance the level of dissolved oxygen in the water. To direct consumption, it would take 20 minutes in the stands, the water O3 back to O2, drinking again.
7. Other
Remove refrigerator odor
Usage: use of ozone water cleaning refrigerators, freezers, or access to appropriate internal ozone air disinfection, to remove odor, kill bacteria.
Aquarium sterilization, aerobics, anti-disease.
Usage: the foam is injected directly into the aquarium stone, Oxygen molecules enter the release of a single eco-oxygen in the water can be Qudu sterilization, oxidation of impurities, to prevent the fish did not eat rotten food. About five minutes once a day for prevention and control of fish parasites, failed to materialize disease, erythema, scales legislation, bacteria, etc. very good results .
With the advancement of our society, people's material life has been greatly improved, but accompanied by a variety of hazards but also filled in our daily life, our health.
Our daily consumption of fruits and vegetables, rice, livestock and poultry, aquatic products, etc. are full of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, hormones and other harmful substances, although the short term can not easily be detected, but if things continue this way will become weak and sickly, and even to their offspring, endangering the health of future generations; after the newly renovated homes, formaldehyde and other harmful gases which diffuse; family kitchen utensils, dishes, children bottle, children's toys, underwear, underpants, such as breeding a large number of bacteria ... ...
The face of these hazards, how to have healthy, rest assured that our life has become an urgent topic of concern.
Nature of fungicides
Oxygen, also known as ozone, is a very strong oxidizing substances, the use of its oxidative damage in a relatively short time can be bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms of biological structure, so that the loss of viability, when the ozone dissolved in water there will be more faster sterilization by ozone-treated water, food, utensils and other residues hardly any harmful substances, which is unmatched by other advantages of fungicides.
The protective umbrella of the Healthy Living
Tiens environmentally friendly combination of fruits and vegetables Cleaner Po microbiology, electronics, machinery manufacturing, etc. The principle, the use of advanced technology, components and unique design elements to avoid electromagnetic interference brought about by the phenomenon of death, more stable performance, live have a higher rate of oxygen, an effective solution to family life and business environment prevailing in poor air quality, more than issues such as multiplication of bacteria that can eliminate pesticide residues, meat and seafood in the decomposition of hormones, sterilization Qudu, bleach remove pollution, anti-corrosion Fresh, odor removal, water purification, to promote human health, improve the quality of life, widely used in households, restaurants, hotels and other indoor places of modern family life and the essential office supplies.
【Technological superiority】
Through the certification authority and access to three unique technology patents
A. CE electrical safety certification
B. three patents: design patents, the structural design of patents, design patent protection circuit
C. Detection of the adoption of the authority of the State sector
Carefully to be assured of life care
Harga : Rp.1,200,000/unit
Set Time, Prepared To Deal With

After seven minutes, the hormone (viscous material) The beginning of precipitation

After 25 minutes, the hormone (viscous material) has basically been precipitated

Hormone (viscous material) features, see this, did not deal with the meat you can eat it?

When Untreated Meat

2. Bactericidal, fresh fruits and vegetables to extend the time .
Usage: Add the fruits and vegetables in plastic bags, access to ozone, will be lightly tighten until the plastic bag will muster truss, to extend the shelf life for more than 1 times. Note: closed plastic bag better not leak.
3. Tableware, bottle, towels, clothing and disinfection, disinfection.
Usage: the tableware, children water bottle, etc. Add to the container, into the Oxygen 10 to 20 minutes sterilization purification, such as the new clear. Clothing in accordance with the number of Oxygen into the time to determine amount of time, generally 20 minutes or so can, after a soft and comfortable clothing and clean, were treated teeth Oxygen equipment, apparatus that is sterile and environmentally friendly.
4. Human health
Use of ozone water bath, wash, washing can remove bacteria, viruses, fungi, and promote human blood circulation, activate cells and accelerate metabolism, to achieve physical health, the effect of beauty.
5. To clean up the air, removing harmful gases.
Usage: the doors, windows closed, access to power, boot to run about 15 minutes; shutdown, open the doors and windows, air circulation for about 15 minutes. Note: for air purification and disinfection, the people is best not to stay indoors.
Oxygen removal biodegradable decorations, plywood, paint by the release of toxic chemical substances, decomposition of natural gas, gas produced by incomplete combustion of carbon monoxide or smoke oil, remove the indoor variety of offensive smell and the prevention of infectious diseases, and prevent breeding ground for fleas.
6. Purify water
Usage: Add the foam stone has been to deal with the water (limited to 20 kg) about 10 minutes later, can eliminate the residual chlorine in the water, sterilization Drugs, oxidative decomposition of iron, manganese and inorganic substances, enhance the level of dissolved oxygen in the water. To direct consumption, it would take 20 minutes in the stands, the water O3 back to O2, drinking again.
7. Other
Remove refrigerator odor
Usage: use of ozone water cleaning refrigerators, freezers, or access to appropriate internal ozone air disinfection, to remove odor, kill bacteria.
Aquarium sterilization, aerobics, anti-disease.
Usage: the foam is injected directly into the aquarium stone, Oxygen molecules enter the release of a single eco-oxygen in the water can be Qudu sterilization, oxidation of impurities, to prevent the fish did not eat rotten food. About five minutes once a day for prevention and control of fish parasites, failed to materialize disease, erythema, scales legislation, bacteria, etc. very good results .
With the advancement of our society, people's material life has been greatly improved, but accompanied by a variety of hazards but also filled in our daily life, our health.
Our daily consumption of fruits and vegetables, rice, livestock and poultry, aquatic products, etc. are full of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, hormones and other harmful substances, although the short term can not easily be detected, but if things continue this way will become weak and sickly, and even to their offspring, endangering the health of future generations; after the newly renovated homes, formaldehyde and other harmful gases which diffuse; family kitchen utensils, dishes, children bottle, children's toys, underwear, underpants, such as breeding a large number of bacteria ... ...
The face of these hazards, how to have healthy, rest assured that our life has become an urgent topic of concern.
Nature of fungicides
Oxygen, also known as ozone, is a very strong oxidizing substances, the use of its oxidative damage in a relatively short time can be bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms of biological structure, so that the loss of viability, when the ozone dissolved in water there will be more faster sterilization by ozone-treated water, food, utensils and other residues hardly any harmful substances, which is unmatched by other advantages of fungicides.
The protective umbrella of the Healthy Living
Tiens environmentally friendly combination of fruits and vegetables Cleaner Po microbiology, electronics, machinery manufacturing, etc. The principle, the use of advanced technology, components and unique design elements to avoid electromagnetic interference brought about by the phenomenon of death, more stable performance, live have a higher rate of oxygen, an effective solution to family life and business environment prevailing in poor air quality, more than issues such as multiplication of bacteria that can eliminate pesticide residues, meat and seafood in the decomposition of hormones, sterilization Qudu, bleach remove pollution, anti-corrosion Fresh, odor removal, water purification, to promote human health, improve the quality of life, widely used in households, restaurants, hotels and other indoor places of modern family life and the essential office supplies.
【Technological superiority】
Through the certification authority and access to three unique technology patents
A. CE electrical safety certification
B. three patents: design patents, the structural design of patents, design patent protection circuit
C. Detection of the adoption of the authority of the State sector
Carefully to be assured of life care
Harga : Rp.1,200,000/unit
Rabu, 23 September 2009
Tiens Aura Stone (Kalung Aura)

Aura Energy Pendant tersebut mampu menyerap energy panas dan secara langsung mentransformasi panas tersebut ke dalam bio-energy gelombang panjang berukuran 4-16 mikron yang mampu mempengaruhi seluruh aktifitas melekular dari molekul-molekul air dalam tubuh manusia. Karenanya, sangat bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan sistem peredaran darah, menjaga fungsi metabolisme tubuh, dan dengan demikian membantu mencapai kesehatan secara lebih baik. Pengaruh Aura Energy Pendant Pada saat temperatur tubuh manusia berubah, sel darah juga berubah dan gelombang otak juga berubah setelah memakai Aura Energy Pendant dalam waktu 1 (satu) jam..
Panas yang dihasilkan dari tubuh manusia ditunjukkan oleh adanya aliran darah di bawah kulit. Ketika jumlah alirah darah meningkat, temperaturnya naik. Begitu juga saat aliran darah menurun, temperatur tubuh juga akan turun. Kita tahu bahwa sirkulasi darah (aliran darah) dalam tubuh manusia bisa kita lihat melalui mikroskop. Ion-Ion Negative telah diteliti mampu secara efektif meningkatkan aktifitas gelombang alfa, meningkatkan energi tubuh dan, mengoptimalkan kondisi tubuh, dan memperbaiki kemampuan konsentrasi.
- Mengurangi peradangan dan rasa sakit
- Membantu memperlancar peredaran darah
- Meningkatkan Energi & Vitalitas
- Menambah kekuatan fisik , keseimbangan & fleksibilitas
- Mengurangi penggumpalan sel darah merah
- Mengurangi ketegangan sistem syaraf
- Membasmi bakteri dan menghilangkan bau tidak sedap
- Menetralisir radikal bebas
- Meningkatkan sistem metabolisme
- Memperbaiki fokus dan kemampuan konsentrasi
- Membantu memperkuat daya tahan tubuh dari penyakit
- Membantu melindungi DNA dari kerusakan
- Meningkatkan penyerapan nutrisi
- Menunda proses penuaan
- Memperbaharui jaringan sel yang mati
- Meningkatkan kandungan oksigen dalam darah dan detoksifikasi
- Melindungi diri dari gelombang elektromagnetik EMF yang merugikan tubuh,
yang dihasilkan oleh handphone, TV & komputer
Aura Energy Pendant ini akan membantu :
Sistem metabolisme tubuh
Sistem peredaran darah mencegah stroke , jantung
Sistem hormonal
Sistem saraf, otot, dan tulang
Sistem pertumbuhan pada anak
Sistem reproduksi / seksual
Harga Distributor Rp.800,000/unit
Dengan menggunakan Kalung Aura Energy Pendant secara reguler bisa membantu proses penyembuhan berbagai macam penyakit seperti :
asam urat , rheumatik , kolestrol , migren , hipertensi , prostat , sakit persendian , kesemutan , diabetes , gejala stroke dan pasca stroke , jantung , sakit punggung , gangguan haid , tekanan darah rendah , katarak , mudah lelah.
Rabu, 09 September 2009
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